Faculty of Fine Arts

Training of trainers from and for research, creation, and knowledge production around the discourse, practices, and pedagogy of the arts.


Fruit of the reform of academic that had the program carried out in 2007, and in order to adapt to the provisions of Agreement 010 of 2018 of the Higher Council, the government drew up the Plan of studies crystallized in the curriculum, which is divided into two major phases: Needs Statement (semester I to VI) and Advances courses (semester VII to X).To better understand this division, we will focus on the Needs Statement phase, which comprises four components.

It is important to mention that, within the curricular structure, the inclusion of common academic spaces, in particular, the pedagogical component, which is shared with the other undergraduate programs offered by the Faculty of Fine Arts: The Bachelor of Visual Arts and the bachelor’s degree in music education.

Regarding the Advances courses cycle, it includes the last four semesters, in which there is an increased focus on the reflection of the production, transmission, and construction of pedagogical and scenic knowledge. The student assumes a line of deepening and, with the advice of the pedagogical team of the career, determines his learning path and carries out the practices pertinent to the field, that is: each student chooses one of the three emphases to focus his process; from these, the investigative approaches that point to his monographic work are carried out, connected, in any case, with agreed or prevalent lines of research in the Faculty of Fine Arts.